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Babo Bombs

I remember waking up in the middle of the night my fish year to the sound of an explosion and then excited voices. I climbed out of the rack, opened my door and saw a very unusual sight in the room across from me.

Across from our fish "hole" lived two pissheads, A.J. Kwan and Sammy Garcia. The light was on in their room and the door was not open, I could here them, but I could not see them. Instead, I saw something that looked like a very heavy fog in their room and I saw only shadows moving about.

I later found out that fish Smyth (flea) and fish Foote (JT) had "babo bombed" them. To make a babo bomb, you first bought a container of powdered cleanser such as Ajax or Babo. You then cut off the metal ends and replaced them with paper, secured by rubber bands. Then you cut a hole in the side of the cardboard container and placed a cherry bomb inside with only the fuse sticking out. This was secured by tape.

Then in the middle of the night Smythe and Foote cracked open the door, lit the fuse and rolled the babo bomb inside the room. What a mess. To this day I don't remember the reason for the "babo bombing" but I'm pretty sure that they thought Kwan and Garcia had been riding them a little too hard. This event would later escalate into our "steam showers" experience.

Tom (TE) Schoolcraft