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Corps Discipline

There are two types of discipline in the Corps of Cadets at Texas A&M, each one associated with a different set of rules.

Violations of Corps traditions and culture are handled informally, usually by the cadet who notices the infraction, and punishment involves physical activity, additional or distasteful duty, or the loss of a privilege for some period of time. For example a fish who wore his biter in the dorm could be required to do a number of pushups; a pisshead who forgot to speak to a white-belt could be required to shine that white-belt's shoes or combat boots. In situations of a particularly egregious nature, or taking place early in the semester, the entire class in an outfit might share in the consequences of one cadet's misdeed(s).

Violations of Corps regulations (as codified by The Standard) are handled formally, by a cadet officer or First Sergeant, and documented through demerit slips (known as "rams"). Accumulate enough rams, and you "sit a weekend", which involves having to appear in the guardroom every couple of hours for an entire weekend (except for the time between about 11pm and 6am). Accumulate more, through a series of medium infractions or a few major ones, and you could be required to do a "marching tour", which meant marching around the quad a number of times in full uniform throughout a weekend. Accumulate enough rams, and you could be expelled from the Corps. For example, a fish who got discrepancies on his hole during a Group or Wing inspection could get rammed; a sergebutt who missed a required formation could also get rammed. The number of demerits permissible for a certain infraction, as well as procedures for contesting an assessment, are also spelled out in The Standard.

It was up to the First Sergeant or cadet officer responsible for a cadet whether to treat an infraction as a violation of Corps traditions and culture, or as a violation of Corps regulations. I distinctly remember one night when Bill Moore and some of his buddies came into the dorm after a night of drinking, and then noticed some infraction by a pisshead. Bill hollered out to our First Sergeant, Rex Stewart, "Ram him, Rex! No, f**k him, Rex! Hell, ram him AND f**k him!"

John (Yankus) Yantis